Lansberry's Fliers:
These are transcriptions of fliers that Lansberry handed out by the thousands.
Some appeared as page advertisements in local papers. Are You
Mind Controlled? 1984 In The USA
Congressman Coyne
Sucks (1990)
Subliminal Mind
Control In 1991 In The USA (1991)
United States Presidential
Curse Of The 20th Century (1994)
Mayor Murphy Stinks
Are You A Slave Without
Knowing It? (1997)
Excerpts from Lansberry's FBI file:
Lansberry recieved a copy of his FBI file in 1997 via a Freedom
of Intormation Act request. It was over 400 pages long and spanned several
presidential administrations.
FBI Interviews Lansberry
January 6th, 1976
Lansberry had written a couple of letters protesting mail censorship to
important people in Pittsburgh. This caught the attention of the FBI,
who visited him at his small rented room at the YMCA and interviewed him. Included here is the unedited FBI report.
Lansberry's letters to Walter Mondale
Summer 1977
After several years of letter writing, Lansberry's campaign had begun
to change. Since the voices he heard in his head were preventing him concentrating,
he decided he would simply write down every word they said. The resulting
texts ended up being an inspired mixture of critique and prose. These
were so surprisingly creative that he then attempted to publish them,
sending copies to several publishing companies...and unfortunately Vice
President Walter Mondale.
USA vs. Lansberry: Transcript
September 29th, 1977
Lansberry's innocent letter to the Vice President results in a lengthy
Secret Service interview, and 30 days in prison.
Lansberry sues the
January 26th, 1985
In the 1980's, Lansberry attempted to change his protest tactics,
and work to change the system, from the inside. He decided to become his
own attorney and sue the government. This is one of his many handwritten