On February 13,1997 the Post Gazette: The mayor is not being
logical when he says publicly that the city is making changes, but privately
encourages the city to stonewall any lawsuits filed by citizens. This
means in a conspiracy with our corrupt judges no citizen with a just legal
complaint will get a hearing in a courtroom to win money damages for the
wrongs done to a citizen. Mayor Murphy is a mean spirited man who fights
justice for the poor and the middle class. There is very little justice
of the poor and middle class as our corrupt judges have developed a system
called lawyer denial. This means no lawyer will take your case no matter
how deserving. This protects the rich, the powerful and various governments
as city, county and state. Lawyer referral is the enemy of the average
citizen. Only Wayne Van Dine praises them. In Washington DC, they eliminated
lawyer referral as a total failure, so should we. Then legal complaint
is a shame and disgrace which only protects lawyer complaints from average
citizens. I have a typical case in which the city real estate stole my
deceased mother's house from me to keep me off the ballot of city council
opposing Ferlo. They call this dirty politics but sadly it was done illegally.
Then as a joke on me they sold my mother s fully furnished house for $360.00.
City employees laughed in my face and dared me to sue for they knew Mayor
Murphy would stonewall my efforts to get a lawyer or my day in court.
All joke that with translation you could switch our judges with the judges
of Ancient Israel. In one month no one could tell the difference. I quote
the Bible to our very corrupt judges “What do you mean by crushing
my people and grinding the faces of the poor? Isaiah 3:15." Pennsylvania
has the very worst real estate laws in the U.S. which only favor the banks.
Our sheriff laws are absolutely terrible. It is little wonder our sheriff
is a drunk. After seeing how rotten citizens are treated, even I would
turn into a drunk as the sheriff. Please write, call, or see your State
House and Senate member and demand the best real estate and sheriff laws
in the U.S. not the worst. Vested special money interests as banks, finance
companies, landlords and others own our legislature by large campaign
donations of money and favors while the average citizen cares are ignored
for they give little or nothing. We want clear, concise, easily read and
understood mortgages, sales contracts without legal trickery of words
which citizens can not understand. No average citizen can not possibly
understand a sheriff's sale documents which at this time are to punish
the victim. Our laws were written by direction of special interests who
bribed our legislators to benefit the special interests. Our very corrupt
judges have conspired with lawyers and bureaucrats to deprive you or your
equal rights in law. Mayor Murphy is the perfect example rotten tyrant
who stonewalls citizen’s just complaints through a bad system because
of bad laws. Bad laws guarantee rotten judges who always bend over for
the rich and the powerful. The easiest way to change this is to pass reform
campaign laws to stop, bribery by special interests of state legislators.
This would cause far better laws for the average citizens. These better
laws would call justice to improve in our courts. Our very corrupt judges
would match the corrupt judges of other states. Why must we have the very
worst judges in the U.S.? The answer is our lousy laws. They call Harrisburg
joy time for the sweet life of a legislator. Demand they work for a change
to protect your rights from the rich. History states that laws were invented
to protect the poor from the greed of the rich. Pennsylvania laws are
to protect and encourage the rich to steal from the poor with state protection.
I invite you to mail this to your legislator in order he know your unhappiness
with the rip offs by the rich of the poor and the middle class. The powerful
can do anything to your family without fear in Pennsylvania.
Robert R. Lansberry
Please mail me your comments on how to improve justice for all. April
11, 1997. You can't trust a lawyer or judge to do it.
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