Satbir SinghTeaching Professor Mechanical Engineering Department
SUBMITTED/IN-PRESS: PUBLISHED/PRESENTED: I. Brahma and S. Singh (2024). Experimental, numerical, and deep learning modeling study of heat transfer in turbulent pulsating pipe flow. Applied Thermal Engineering , Vol. 244, 122685. C. Wadkar, A. Kumar, B. Rollins, N. Grosjean, S. Singh, and W. Northrop (2023). Computational Study on the Effect of Thermal Boundary Conditions and Axial Aspect Ratio on Catalytic Oxidative Coupling of Methane. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research , Vol. 62, No. 46, 19907-19919. Z. Li, R. Tanzer-Gruener, A. Presto, P. Adams, S. Singh (2022). Simulations of near-source wind development and pollution dispersion over complex terrain under different thermal conditions. https://arxiv.org/abs/2211.07050. S. Cho, H. Lee, Y. Lin, S. Singh, and W. Northrop (2022). Products of Catalytic Oxidative Coupling of Methane to Improve Thermal Efficiency in Natural Gas Engines. Energy Convesion and Management, Vol. 268, 116030. E. Swift, C. Wadkar, H. Lee, S. Singh, and W. Northrop (2022). Exploring the Benefits of Oxidative Coupling of Methane on Natural Gas Engine Efficiency through One-Dimensional Simulation. ASME ICEF2022-91822, Oct. 16-19, 2022, Indianapolis, USA. Z. Li, advised by S. Singh and A. Presto (2021). Near-Source Wind Development and Pollution Dispersion Over Complex Terrain. PhD Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University. Download Thesis. I. Brahma and S. Singh (2021). Data-Based Estimation and Simulation of Compressible Pulsating Flow with Reverse-Flow through an Orifice. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation , Vol. 82, 102069. R. Biwalkar, N. Desmornes, D. Dasrath, W. Northrop and S. Singh (2021). Effect of Piston Geometry on In-Cylinder Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, and Ignition Delay in Rapid Compression Machines. SAE 2021-01-0509. D. Dasrath, R. Biwalkar, S. Singh, and W. Northrop (2021). Bowl Piston Geometry as an Alternative to Enlarged Crevice Pistons for Rapid Compression Machines. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38(4), 5723-5731. K. Qian, Z. Wen, M. Wu, S. Singh, and S. Sinha (2020). Computational Fluid Dynamics Studies of Slag Entrapment in Continuous Casting Process. 2020 AISTech Conference Proceedings, PR-380-107, DOI 10.33313/380/107. R. M. Biwalkar, S. Singh, N. Sharma, and S. M. Talabi (2019). Development of a Parametric Computational Fluid Dynamics Model to Estimate Passive Aerosol Decontamination. 18th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-18), August 18-22, Portland, OR, USA. M. Kang, D. You, and S. Singh (2019). Grid-Independent Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Wake Flow using Explicit Differential Filters. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology , 33(4), 1641-1649. X. Dai, S. Singh, S. Krishnan, K. K. Srinivasan (2018). Numerical Study on Combustion Characteristics and Emissions of a Diesel-Methane Dual-Fuel Engine for a Wide Range of Injection Timings. International Journal of Engine Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087418783637. S. Singh, P. J. Admas, and A. A. Presto (2018). Simulations of Vehicle Induced Mixing and Near-Road Aerosol Microphysics using Computational Fluid Dynamics. AIMS Environmental Science , 5(5), 315-339. V. Nichani, R. Jaime, S. Singh, X. Yang, and V. Sick (2018). Influence of Discretization Schemes and LES Subgrid Models on Flowfield Predictions for a Motored Optical Engine. SAE International Journal of Engines, Vol. 11. N. Sawant, S. Yamakawa, S. Singh, and K. Shimada (2018). Automatic Hex-Dominant Mesh Generation for Complex Flow Configurations. SAE International Journal of Engines, 11(6). I. Neft, M. Scungio, N. Culver, and S. Singh (2016). Simulations of Aerosol Filteration by Vegetation: Validation of Existing Models with Available Lab Data and Application to Near-Roadway Scenario. Journal of Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 50(9), pp. 937-946. F. Tao and S. Singh (2015). Predictions of Flow Separation at the Valve-Seat for Steady-State Port-Flow Simulation. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 137(11), 121506-7. C. Kavuri, S. Singh, S. R. Krishnan, K. K. Srinivasan, and S. Ciatti (2014). Computational Analysis of High and Low Cetane Fuels in a Compression Ignition Engine. ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 136(12), 121506-10. S. Singh, P. Adams, A. Misquitta, K. J. Lee, E. M. Lipsky, and A. L. Robinson (2014). Computational Analysis of Particle Nucleation in Dilution Tunnels: Effects of Flow Configuration and Tunnel Geometry. Journal of Aerosol Science and Technology, Vol. 48, pp. 638-648. S. Singh and D. You (2013). Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of Turbulent Flow around a Circular Cylinder using Explicit Filtering. 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov. 24-26, Pittsburgh, USA. J. Han, S. Singh and E. Pomranning (2013). Assessment of Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) Models for Engine Type Flows: Effect of Model Type and Grid Size. ASME ICE Division Fall Technical Conference, ICEF2013-19018. S. Singh and D. You (2013). A Dynamic Global-Coefficient Mixed Subgrid-Scale Model for Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flows. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 42, pp. 94-104. S. Singh, D. You, and and S. T. Bose (2012). Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Channel Flow using Explicit Filtering and Dynamic Mixed Models. Physics of Fluids, Vol. 24, 085105. S. Singh, S. Liu, and H. Li (2012). Numerical Investigation of NO2- Formation Mechanism in H2-Diesel Dual-Fuel Engine. SAE 2012-01-0655. A. Sifounakis, D. You and S. Singh (2011). A Fully-Conservative Finite-Volume Method for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations on Locally-Refined Nested Cartesian Grids. 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Nov. 20-22, Baltimore, USA. S. Singh and D. You (2011). A Multi-Block ADI Finite-Volume Method for Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations in Complex Geometries. Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 230, No. 19, pp. 7400-7417. S. Singh, S. T. Bose, and D. You (2011). Accuracy of Subfilter-Scale Models for Explicit Filter Large-Eddy Simulation in Turbulent Channel Flow. Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-7), July 28-31, Ottawa, Canada. P. Boggavarapu and S. Singh (2011). Computational Study of Injection Rate-Shaping for Emissions Control in Diesel Engines. SAE 2011-26-0081. S. Singh and M. P. B. Musculus (2010). Numerical Modeling and Analysis of Entrainment in Turbulent Jets after the End of Injection. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 132(8), 081203-10.
S. Singh, M. P. B. Musculus, and R. D. Reitz (2009). Mixing and Flame Structures Inferred from OH-PLIF for Conventional and Low-Temperature Diesel Engine Combustion. Combustion and Flame, Vol. 156, pp. 1998-1908. H. W. Won, A. Sharma, P. Hottenbach, M. Gauding, F. X. Robert, N. Peters, G. Gruenefeld, R. Durrett, A. Plazas, and S. Singh (2009). Investigation of Particulate Emissions from Cluster-Nozzle Concepts in DI Diesel Engines. ICLASS2009.
S. Singh and M. P. B. Musculus (2009). Numerical Modeling Study of Entrainment and Mixing in a Decelarating Transient Gas-Jet. Presented at 6th U.S. National Meeting of the Combustion Institute, May 17-20, Ann Arbor, MI. | ||||||