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The Women's Center Constitution
Last updated April 2004

I. Statement of Purpose

Although in recent years there has been some improvement in the status of women at Carnegie Mellon and within higher education in general, there remains much that needs to be done. We feel that there is an important role for the Carnegie Mellon Women's Center in identifying and addressing the problems, needs, and goals of women on campus and in the larger community. The Center provides information, educational programs, community service, support, and entertainment regarding a broad range of issues and concerns which profoundly affect women's lives.

II. Membership

There are no qualifications for membership other than an interest in women’s issues. One becomes a member of the Women’s Center Collective when they attend two or more Collective meetings.

III. Officers

Because the Center is run by a collective, we have no organizational hierarchy--everyone is an equal member. Some members take more active roles than others. At any time a member can decide to take on more responsibility and play a more active part in running the Center.

IV. Bylaws

  1. Decision Making:
    • Decisions on how to run the Collective are made by consensus. Issues are discussed at meetings and votes are taken on how to act on them.
  2. Rules
    • The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the organization in all cases in which they are applicable, and in which cases that they do not conflict with the rules set forth by this organization.

V. Amending the Constitution

Like all decision making within the Collective, amending is done by discussion and consensus.

VI. Non-Discrimination

The Women’s Center abides by the standards of non-discrimination recognized by the University in its statement of assurance.