Current Research

I focus on robust optimization, including dynamic and bilevel problems, driven by real-world challenges in transportation safety, supply chain resiliency, and broader areas like policy design and intelligent decision-making in high-stakes environments. My goal is to develop models and algorithms that are both practically useful and theoretically sound, with an emphasis on aesthetics and generalizability.

For prospective PhD students: If you have a strong background in optimization or machine learning, and want to apply cutting edge methods to new problems in supply chain and transportation, you can reach out to me.

In Preparation

Under Review


  1. Adjustability in Robust Linear Optimization (with Ningji Wei), Mathematical Programming (2024), paper
  2. Being emotionally supportive: exploring the value of emotional appeals retargeting in recovering consumers of FinTech services. (with Tian Lu, Xianghua Lu, Hui Yang). Production and Operations Management (2024) , paper
  3. Travel Cadence and Epidemic Spread, Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference (2021) (with Lauren Streitmatter) GitHub.
  4. Fleet Sizing and Allocation for On-demand Last-Mile Transportation Systems, Transportation Research Part C. (joint work with Karmel Shehadeh and Hai Wang)
  5. Designing response supply chain against bioattacks, Operations Research. (joint work with David Simchi-Levi and Nikos Trichakis)
    • INFORMS Koopman Prize (2020)
    • POMS HOCM best paper competition runner-up (2018)
    • POMS SCM student paper competition runner-up (2017)
    • MSOM SIG (2017)
  6. Identifying risks and mitigating disruptions in the automotive supply chain. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics. (joint work with David Simchi-Levi, William Schmidt, Yehua Wei, and Ford Motor Company)
    • Ford Engineering Excellence Award (2015)
    • INFORMS Daniel H. Wagner Prize for Excellence in Operations Research Practice (2014)
  7. Multi-stage resource-aware scheduling for data centers with heterogenous servers. Journal of Scheduling. (joint work with Tony Tran, Heyse Li, Doug Down, and Chris Beck)
  8. Solving wind farm layout optimization with mixed integer programs and constraint programs. EURO Journal on Computational Optimization. (joint work with David Romero, Chris Beck, and Cristina Amon)
  9. Multiobjective wind farm layout optimization with non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm. Journal of Mechanical Design. (joint work with Penelope Kwong, David Romero, Joaquin Moran, M. Morgenroth, and Cristina Amon)
  10. A new mathematical programming approach to optimizing wind farm layouts. Renewable Energy. (joint work with Sarina Turner, David Romero, and Timothy Chan)


Not Peer Reviewed

  1. A Pathway to the Fuel of the Future: Hydrogen’s Role in Aviation Decarbonization | Student team: Jon Gordon, Jaih Hunter-Hill, Anna Cobb, Xiaohan Wu, Dorothy Li | Co-advisor: Jared Cohon
    • Finalist at NASA 2023 Gateways to Blue Skies: Clean Aviation Energy (Blue Skies) Competition
  2. Joint Optimization of School Bus Routes and Last-mile Services | Summary | Full report.
  3. The New COVID-19 Variant Prediction with Dynamic Model - A policy memo to the Government of Republic of Indonesia (July 25, 2021) | GitHub.
  4. Data-Driven Reopening Strategies for State and Local Governments. Report and slides on this CMU-wide collaboration. Cited in:

Academic Mentorship

