1 Part 1
Generate Solution
Specifying number
of iterations (CFD uses iterative method)
Go to
Solution -> FLOTRAN Set Up -> Solution Options
Then select “Steady State ”
In FLOTRAN set up, select execution control. Set global iterations to be 100. You can also change the termination criteria, say for pressure, to be 1e-007, instead of 1e-008 which is a default value to reduce running time. The running time will be half of previous running time.
Then run Flocheck.
Select Initialize All
Then click on Run FLOTRAN
While waiting for the program to finish, you can view the command window to monitor progress.
The plot is showing the rate of change of each variables (VX, VY, VZ and Pressure). Note that the solution is considered done when termination criteria is met. Click OK to exit the “Solution done” window
Click Close.