R03: Pre-Final Review
Last Updated on 20231110 by slee
The purpose of the pre-final review is to create a detailed storyboard of what you anticpate hanging for your final review. Specifically, the pre-final review is to get concise feedback on the substantial completion of ALL design decisions. Given the learning objectives of this Building Integration Option Studio this means demonstrating the integration of architecture, structure, enclosure and MEP. Your presentation must include all of the panels that you plan for the final review. If a drawing is not yet complete, put a rectangle on the sheet with a label indicating what the drawing will be by the time of the final review. The feedback that you will receive will guide the last three weeks of documentation required for the final review on Thursday, 14 December 2023.
Our studio work will be reviewed in MM303 from 1300 - 1450 on Tuesday, 14 November 2023. This will be a paper-based review. Each team gets three perforated, rolling steek panels. Mind the gap - Erica’s studio will be pinning up on the backside at 1230 for their review at 1500. I will provide a shared laptop for TV or projection.
We will be guest reviewers for Erica’s studio at 1500 on Tuesday, 14 November and Gerard's studio at 1300 on Thursday, 16 November.
Attendance is required both days - one session to present and two sessions to critique.
Submission Deadline:
All pencils (mice) down at 23:59 EST (GMT-5) on Monday, 13 November 2023. Please submit your plot files as PDF's to: 48400C Files for Reviews. I will provide detailed redmarks for your consideration prior to our team meetings on Tuesday, 21 November as I have done with your weekly submissions.
This will be a paper-based review. All plotting needs to be complete by 11:00am on the day of the review. You may perform touch up work on your models between the PDF submission deadline and 11:00am on the day of your review.
Minimum Submission Requirements:
The requirements for this review have been developed in collaboration with the BIOS faculty team. My requirements may differ from the other studio sections because of the specifics of our project. Design your presentation based on 22" x 34" formatted sheets. Your are encouraged to combine the drawings on the list for greater clarity e.g. the relationship of the site design to the ground floor design demonstrating inside-outside relationships.
- Story Board
- Annotated Neighborhood Context Plan, 1:480 (1"=40")
- Site/ Roof Plan 1:192 (1/16"=1'-0")
(include the bioswale, the rain gardent and all the trails in your section of the park) - Overall Building Floor Plans including framing configurations represented with dashed lines, 1:96 (1/8"=1'-0")
(separate structural framing plans or a framing axonometric is an acceptable alternate to dashed lines) - One (1) Building Section and Primary Exterior Elevations, 1:96 (1/8"=1'-0")
- One (1) Building Section, 1:48 (1/4"=1'-0")
- One (1) Wall Section w/ Partial Elevations, 1:12 (1"=1'-0")
(label the R-values for wall and roof assemblies, the target EUI and the final EUI based on your design proposal) - Drawings and diagrams of integration strategies for structure, enclosure and MEP.
- Drawings and diagrams of sustainability objectives and strategies including natural conditioning (daylight/ natural ventilation), renewable energy, upstream and downstream material implications and water management.
- Visualizations of your Climate Studio simulations to demonstrate how performance measurements of your project guided your incremental design decision making to satisfice the outcomes.
- Physical models
- Renders (digital and/ or analog)
- Experiential Drawings
- Pot Luck
- Use a formatted 22 x 34 (ANSI D) layout with title block for each page of your presentation. Slee Layouts from ArchiCAD template
- Arrange plan drawings with the lowest floor plan at the bottom of the presentation and the highest floor plan at the top of the presentation. Plans need to be oriented parallel to the edges of the plot (not rotated to absolute north)
- All plan drawings (site plans, key plans, floor plans) must be oriented with north pointing upwards (toward the review room ceiling) and a conspicuous graphic north arrow.
- Numeric scales must be be noted as 1:192 or 1/16"=1'-0", etc.
- Graphic scales must be included.