271 & 272 Teams -- Phase 2 & 3








Prof. H


-272 Pages
--272 Docs

Below are the current listing of teams for both 88-271 and 88-272 Phase 2 & 3 projects. For a number of reasons we have raised the group size to four in all but one case. Also, note that there will be a formal peer evaluation after each phase that will affect an individual's final grade.

These groups were created by random assignment and will not be changed without compelling reasons. In parentheses next to each name is the person's andrewid. Please contact your fellow teammates as soon as possible to begin coordinating work on these projects.

Team 1
Ko, Anthony (ako)
Black, Kevin (KWB)
Watt, Heidi (hwatt)
Feldman, Shawn (sfeldman)

Team 2
Zick, Damon (dzick)
Chui, Jessica (jchui)
Armistead, Matt (mga)
Dwivedi, Tara (tdwivedi)

Team 3
Kellner, Emily (emk)
Yeung, Brian (byy)
Chua, Gabriel (gchua)
Majernik, Samantha (majernik)

Team 4
Malik, Sulaiman (smalik)
Choi, Minsoo (mchoi)
Leman, Nadine (nleman)
Stratis, Chris (cjs)

Team 5
Pak, kevin (kpak)
Lu, Xing (xlu)
Kero, Sameer (skero)
Gonzalez, Patrick (patrickg)

Team 6
Kimball, Joshua (jkimball)
Gregory, Karin (gregory)
Baldwin, Adam (ajb)
Cooke, Brian (bcooke)

Team 7
Chung, Sukwoo (schung)
Holz, Lauren (lholz)
Abdullah, Adzilah (adzilah)
Mukerji, Dipesh (dkm)

Team 8
Kumar, Rishi (rrk)
Schwanke, David (dscw)
Semcheski, Michael (mhs)
Machida, Brian (bmachida)

Team 9
Mahala, Ben (bmahala)
Daniel, Sherae (sdaniel)
Kendig, Timothy (tkendig)
Ferng, Albert (ahf)

Team 10
Vardzel, Jason (jv25)
Murphy, Edward (esm)
Ayala, Nicole (ayala)
Verenna, Robert (robv)

Team 11
Snow, Michael (msnow)
Patterson, Peter (pap)
Daugherty, Robert (robertd)
Kumar, Amul (ak4j)

Team 12
Long, William (wgl)
Friedberg, Richard (rif)
Groon, Lauren (groon)
Park, Raymond (rpark)

Team 13
Delancey, Jayson (jjd)
Habib, Renee (habib)
Lund, Brendan (blund)
Medlin, Erin (emedlin)

Team 14
Bayani, Ben (bayani)
Wang, Tzuan-Ta (wtzuanta)
Li, Raymond (rli)
Spaeth, Matthew (mspaeth)

Team 15
Lianza, Thomas (tlianza)
Wong, Abel (abelw)
Hamlin, Gregory (hamlin)
Pillet, Ben (bpillet)

Team 16
Patel, Sanjay (sjp)
Lee, Giwoong (gdl)
Tang, Erwen (etang)
Matsuyama, Len (len)

Team 17
Ding, Can (cding)
Cho, Young-Jin (youngjin)
Celone, Kim (kac)
Sedki, Nizar (nsedki)

Team 18
Wardell, Steve (wardell)
Ngau, Wu (wngau)
Kelleher, Michael (mk2)
Merry, Joshua (jmerry)

Team 19
McCullough, Ian (ipm)
Lee, John (jbl)
Olensnycky, Damian (damiano)
Lan, Charlie (lan)

Team 20
Malykh, Nadya (nmalykh)
Jackson, Dean (dkj)
Tso, Kai (ktso)
Zitelli, Nicolas (nzitelli)

Team 21
Shapiro, Dan (dshapiro)
Mandel, Seth (smandel)
Haggerty, David (david5)


These pages are relevant for the Fall 1999 semester.
Any questions or problems with these pages should be sent to Professor H.



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