Help With CGI/Perl








Prof. H


Class Resources

Web Guides

Available Scripts

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Class Resources for JavaScript
There are two formal presentations on Perl and CGI which can be downloaded from the lecture section when available (sometime after the lecture is scheduled).


Web Guides, Primers, and Tutorials for Perl/CGI
Below is a sampling of web primers available to help students with CGI. In many cases the treatment is not as detailed as one might like, but these resources do provide a good opportunity to get one's feet wet. Some pages are better than others and I have tried to place the more useful ones towards the top of the list. (Note: even though I don't agree with everything that is said or the way it is presented on these pages, I am listing a multitude of links with the hope that each person will find something suitable for their purposes.)

CGI Programming 101: Very nice set of tutorials by Jacqueline Hamilton to help people learn CGI. A great site and a recommended place to start!


CGI Scripts Available on the Web
Below are some links to CGI source codes that students may be able to use and adapt for their own work. A word of warning: just because someone posts a script on the web doesn't mean that the script either (1) works as advertised, or (2) has some other problem. Use caution in using these scripts! Also, if you use someone's script for official course assignments, students must give the original author credit with an HTML comment loacted next to the script which gives the original author's name and the URL the script was obtained from. Failure to do so is a violation of the IDS cheating policy and will be handled accordingly.

CGI Resources: The scripts area of CGI Resources contains thousands of scripts in numerous programming languages. A great place to start if you're looking for a CGI script.

Matt's Script Archive: MSA is a very popular place to grab free CGI scripts to use in web development. If you're looking for a script, this is another good place to start. Matt Wright is also the author of the CGI/Perl Cookbook.

These pages are relevant for the Fall 1999 semester.
Any questions or problems with these pages should be sent to Professor H.



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