Web Guides, Primers, and Tutorials for FTP
FTPing files is a necessary part of life in the information age and certainly part of the IDS program. Below are links to some tutorials that can help students understand and use FTP clients.
Tutorial on Using WS_FTP: WS_FTP is one of the more popular FTP clients for PC based systems.
Using Fetch on the Mac: Fetch is probably the most popular FTP package available for the Mac. Although Fetch is created by Dartmouth, Rice University has a nice tutorial on using Fetch.
Dragonfire -- A Quick and Dirty Tutorial on FTP: This tutorial is less client specific, but rather provides some of the ideas behind FTP and discusses command line FTPing (as opposed to GUI clients).
These pages are relevant for the Fall 1999 semester. Any questions or problems with these pages
should be sent to Professor H.