Associate Professor of Economics
Tepper School of Business
Carnegie Mellon University
Tepper Quad, 5228
412 268 6079, akushnir@andrew.cmu.edu
Research Interests
Microeconomics, Market Design, Mechanism Design, Matching, Auctions, Income Taxation
Harmful Signaling in Matching Market,
Games and Economic Behavior, 80, 209-218; 2013.
(Working paper) (Abstract)
-- recipient of the 2nd prize at European Science Days (2010)
-- recipient of the 2nd prize at European Science Days (2010)
Preference Signaling in Matching Markets with Peter Coles and Muriel Niederle,
AEJ:Micro, 5(2), 99-134; 2013.
Online Appendix (Working paper) (Abstract)
On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation, with Alex Gershkov, Jacob Goeree, Benny Moldovanu, and Xianwen Shi,
Econometrica, 81(1), 197-220; 2013.
(Working paper) (Abstract)
-- early version On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation in a General Class of Social Choice Problems, 2011 with Jacob Goeree
-- early version On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation in a General Class of Social Choice Problems, 2011 with Jacob Goeree
4. On Sufficiency of Dominant Strategy Implementation in Environments with Correlated Types,
Economics Letters, 133, 4-6; 2015.
(Working paper) (Abstract)
Reduced Form Implementation for Environments with Value Interdependencies, with Jacob Goeree,
Games and Economic Behavior, 99, 250-256; 2016.
(Working paper) (Abstract)
On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation
for Environments with Non-Linear Utilities, with Shuo
Economic Theory, 67, 617-644; 2019.
(Working paper)
On Linear Transformations of Intersections, with Shuo Liu,
Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, 28, 475-489; 2020.
(Working paper)
When is a Monotone Function Cyclically Monotone? with Lev Lokutsievskiy,
Theoretical Economics, 16(3), 853-879; 2021.
(Working paper)
On Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition with Endogenous Labor, with Alexander Tarasov and Robertas Zubrickas,
Economics Letters, 201, 109774; 2021.
A Geometric Approach to Mechanism Design with Jacob Goeree,
Journal of Political Economy Microeconomics, 1(2), 321-347; 2023.
(Working paper)
A Simple Characterization of Supply
Correspondences with Vinod Krishnamoorthy,
Mathematics of Operations Research, 2023.
(Working paper)
12. Optimal Labor Incomet Taxation With the Dividend Effect
with Robertas Zubrickas,
Economic Theory.
(Working paper)
Working Papers
Undergraduate Course Allocation through
Competitive Markets (2024) with Daniel Kornbluth.
R&R American Economic Review. (Abstract)
Work in Progress
Selling with Network Flows: A New Approach to Optimal Multi-Dimensional Mechanisms (2024) with Ali Shourideh.
(Extended Abstract)
15. Optimal Auction Design for Objects with Multiple Attributes (2024) with Fedor Sandomirskiy
16. Multi-Dimensional Contract Design (2024) with Lev Lokutsievskiy and Sergej Zheglov
Other Research Contributions
Decentralized Workforce:
Fundamental Drivers and Engagement in the New Workplace, with A. Schweyer, A. Fan, E. Ford, J.H. Kang,
Incentives Research Foundation report, (2022)
Implementation on Multiple and Multi-dimensional Single-peaked Domains, with L. Lokutsievsky, (working paper, 2021)
Targeted vs. Collective Posting on Social Platforms, with A. Nichifor, (working paper, 2015)
Solutions Manual for Vijay Krishna’s Auction Theory Book (2nd ed.), with Jun Xiao (2009)
Orphans and Children Deprived From Parental Care, with Igor Fedukin and Ekaterina Zhuravskaya, CEFIR working papers (2007, in Russian, available upon request)
Collective Action Problem in Revolutions, Best Student Papers NES (2006, available upon request)