CMU Relay for Life
Pre-Event Fundraisers
- 10 Team members each ask 10 people for $5.00 = $50 per member/$500 per team
- Sell Five $100.00 track signs
- Team members get 10 $50.00 donations from family members
(can be processed via credit card through the ACS) - Hold a movie night, charge for popcorn
- Hold a competition or tournament, charge an entry fee
- Contact a local bar, put guest bartenders to work for tips
- Have a candy sale in the dorms
- Hold a Chinese Auction or Raffle
- Car wash
- Hoagie sales
- Raffle off a "servant for a day"
- Offer to clean, type or do laundry for a donation
- Contact a local restaurant, waitress for a few hours to get donated tips
- Pump gas for tips
- Advertising time - sell space on your back to sponsors who $20/hour advertising time
- Fry Day Friday - ask a local fast food restaurant to donate a dime for every order of fries sold on a Friday
Day of Relay Fundraisers
- T-shirt decoration
- Hole-in-one contest
- Sell flowers
- Sell candy / chocolate
- Sell warm brownies
- Bowl A Chance - $1 for 2 ball. If you strike you name is entered in the drawing 2 times. If you spare your name is entered in the drawing once.
Webmaster: Michael Kelly Last modified: Fri Nov 12 01:17:50 EST 2004