CMU Relay for Life
CMU Relay for LifeGesling Staduim, Carnegie Mellon University
Relay For Life 2005 will be in Fall 2005
What is Relay for Life?What should I bring?
Where will it be?
Who should I contact for more info?
What is Relay for Life?
Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society's signature activity. It offers everyone in a community a chance to participate in the fight against cancer. Teams of people camp out at a local high school, park or fairground and take turns walking or running around a track or path. Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event. Relays are an overnight event, up to 24 hours in length.
Because Relay For Life is a community gathering rather than an athletic event, anyone and everyone can participate. Teams form from businesses, clubs, families, friends, hospitals, churches, schools, and service organizations. Team members share a common purpose - to support the American Cancer Society's mission.
Relay For Life also raises funds. Teams solicit donations, have garage sales, hold car washes, and more.
--Taken from American Cancer Society
What should I bring?
- Yourself
- Sleeping bag, tent, and flashlights (If staying overnight)
- Sunscreen, bug spray
- Lawn Chairs
- Umbrellas
- Coolers
- Sun visors or hats
- Extra clothing, including socks and shoes
- Cards or board games
- Radio
- Walking shoes
- Money for On Site Fundraising, Concessions Stand, Luminaria
- Rain gear
- Water bottles
- Snack foods / Energy bars
Where will it be?
RFL 2005 will be at Gesling Stadium at CMU, located behind the parking garage. Parking is free on weekends. Campus MapWho should I contact for more info?
Scott Smith, Event Chair - scottsmi@andrew.cmu.eduWe'd all be happy to answer your questions!
Webmaster: Michael Kelly Last modified: Fri Nov 12 01:12:40 EST 2004