November 12-14, 2004

Carnegie Mellon University

Department of Physics
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
Tel: (412)268-2728
Fax: (412)681-0648

General Information

The meeting will commence around 2pm on Friday, November 12 and finish around 2-3pm on Sunday, November 14. A more detailed schedule will soon appear in the Scientific Program link below. The Pittsburgh airport is a good twenty miles west of the city, so travel time between the airport and the meeting venue/hotels is about an hour.

A block of 25 rooms has been made available at the Holiday Inn Select near CMU. If you book a room at this hotel, please mention CMU and the Lattice Hadron Physics Collaboration meeting to get the discounted rate of $105/night (the government rate is $85/night for those of you who can get it). It is a very nice hotel with free high-speed internet access. You must book before October 22 to get the discount. After October 22, you are not guaranteed to get a room. See the travel link below for other nearby hotels. Please book your lodging as soon as possible since there is a high density of hospitals in the area, and nearby hotels are always nearly full.

In addition to physics collaboration, one of the topics to consider at this meeting will be proposals for use of the new SciDAC resources that will become available next year. With the recent commitment of $6M by the DOE for lattice resources, when QCDOC and the new clusters come on line next spring, there should be roughly 7.5 sustained teraflops for Lattice QCD. This will qualitatively change the way our community proposes research projects, and a call for proposals from the Scientific Program Committee should be forthcoming shortly. Hence, the importance of attending this meeting should be particularly emphasized.

Please visit the links below for further information. Also, please send email to if you plan to attend so that I can make a list of participants and reserve meeting rooms accordingly.

This meeting occurs just after the SC2004: High Performance Computing, Networking and Storage Conference. The Steelers are in Cleveland during the Nov 12-14 weekend.

See you in Steeler-town.
Colin Morningstar