Dan Kennedy's
ADMPS 3003 Core Page
Fall 1998 - Spring 1999
Welcome to my page! Currently I am enrolled in a doctoral program at the University of Pittsburgh. As a requirement for the two semester Core course program (ADMPS 3003 and ADMPS 3004), I am required to provide a folder as well as a portfolio for review. Both of these will be the primary determiners of my success in the course as well as the required preliminary examination to continue doctoral study.
For a time, this site will be under construction, however I will attempt to keep it as up to date as possible. I will also highlight new additions to the page and/or revisions in an effort to enable anyone visiting to quickly see what's changed.
A little about how this page was constructed:
Initially, the pages were developed using Netscape Composer and Microsoft FrontPage. Primarily the html code is version 4.0, which supports many interesting features. In some cases, targets were used to allow easier navigation from the main page to specific areas in supporting pages (the journal date sections are an example of this). For this reason, you would probably have much more success viewing all attributes of the page by using either Netscape Navigator 4.0 or Internet Explorer 4.0.
As I begin to get a bit more sophisticated, I intend to add some java code to the page and to move into frames. For the time being however I'll try to keep it as simple as possible.
Thank you for spending some of your time here. I am always interested reading your suggestions.
Structure of this Site
As I build this site,
I have segmented it into sections relevant to the outcomes and
materials I have either written or created.
This ordering by topic hopefully will permit the casual visitor to quickly
view changes over time (items are added in chronological order).
These are just some of the areas that are outlined in the course syllabus
desired outcomes of the course (with detail added by me).
Marcie Roberts | mcrobts+@pitt.edu |
Janice Glunk | jglunk@lcn.net |
Howard Bullard | hobst+@pitt.edu |
I-Shien Lei | islst3+@pitt.edu |
Hanan El-Halawany | hsest1+@pitt.edu |
Bill McClarnon | WFMST3+@pitt.edu |
Dan Kennedy | dkennedy@andrew.cmu.edu |
We became interested in a report from the UNESCO Commission on Education in the 21st Century. This commission compiled a report on issue they felt were important to the enabling of the global population in the future. The report built on a previous UNESCO document entitled "Learning to Be" by defining four pillars of education to be built upon:
At the present time, we are reviewing documents from UNESCO related to this study and are creating think pieces related to our specific area of interest. As we progress, we hope to be able to join these pieces together to present a cohesive set of opinions and possible areas for further reflection as we progress into the next semester as well as in our lives.
In addition, we will be including some other items of interest to others such as photos of ourselves as well as information about our backgrounds and interests. We hope that this will provide not only a tool for us to meet a Core requirement, but will also help us to bond as a group of individuals, interested in the needs of both the educational community within our own particular professional lives, and our responsibility to the world at large. We hope that this experience is as positive for you as it is for us.
I'm looking forward to next semester and the continuation of the process of moving forward. As far as this page and the Collaborator home page and other technology issues, I plan to continue to modify and change these pages as well as continuing dialogue with others, when possible, on the Delors report to UNESCO.