SpaceVision 2011
November 13th, 2011
This year, SEDS-CMU had the opportunity to send 3 members to the SpaceVision Conference at the University of Colorado in Boulder. SpaceVision is the national conference for SEDS membes held every year by a different chapter. This year, CU-SEDS held a conference with record attendance with a them focusing on the interrelationship between the engineering, science, entrepreneurship, and policy components of space. President Kayla Aloyo, Vice President Hahna Alexander, and Treasurer David Isenberg flew to Colorado in hopes of gaining knowledge about SEDS and uniting with other students and professionals under a common interest. The students were able to see Bill Nye, the Executive Director of The Planetary Society, speak about the importance of space exploration. Also, the students attended different seminars on commercial crew transportation, robotic exploration, suborbital spaceflight, department of defense space activities, space entrepreneurship, space project management and leadership, and space policy.
If you are interested in attending SpaceVision 2012 at the University of Buffalo, please email your interest to