Reduced Gravity Student Flight Opportunities Program 2012

As of October 26, 2011, CMU SEDS has formally applied to be part of this program! The winning submissions to the program will recieve an opportunity to perform a research project in a simulated low-gravity environment on NASA's Vomit Comet!

SEDS Team Website
NASA Microgravity University Website

Near Space Balloon Initiative

Break out of the classroom to solve real problems and learn the basics of practical engineering! In this venture, you will help build mechanical and electrical components of a high altitude sounding balloon. Participants will receive the artistic satisfaction of creating dramatic photos of space.

Rules and Regulations
If interested, please contact

Google Lunar X-Prize

Get involved with CMU and Astrobotic Technology's swipe at winning the Lunar X-Prize!

Deadline: Spring 2014
Astrobotic Technology Website
Lunar X-Prize Website