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95-702 Organizational Communication & Distributed Object Technology

Department:Information Systems Mng.
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Prerequisites: 95-713Java II Course site The course objectives are to describe and recognize the evolution of the coporate management structure as well as the relationship between an organization's management structure and its communications requirements. We will address these by listing the characteristics of a centralized network system and cite the features of distributed network systems. We will also examine the challenges in building an enterprise-wide network and list some of the critical issues facing network managers. We will also be describing the evolution of software technologies such as CORBA, DCOM and RMI from Remote Procedure Call(RPC) transport mechanism. We will invite speakers from leading development environments to provide guest lectures to consolidate understanding of these technologies. The student enrolling in this class will be familiar with Java and have some knowledge of Object Oriented Design Methodology. Time will be spent in class teaching students to program in CORBA and in RMI but students are required to learn independent of the class material. No detailed knowledge of networks is expected or required. Student grades will be assigned based on a combination of reports, homework, assignments (can include programs in Java, Corba, RMI), final project (group) and project presentation. Class participation is also considered in the final grade.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#87
Rank in this department:#5

  Students also scheduled
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95-733 Internet Technologies

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 1:30 - 2:50 pm M McCarthy HBH 1001 Add course to my schedule
W McCarthy HBH 1001
B 3:30 - 4:50 pm M McCarthy HBH 1001 Add course to my schedule
W McCarthy HBH 1001

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