Advertising at The Carnegie Pulse is a great, affordable way to reach the Carnegie Mellon community. Each week, 4,000 students, staff, and faculty read The Carnegie Pulse.The Pulse offers 3 advertisement sizes. They are measured in pixels (generally there are 72 pixels per inch).

120 x 90$20$10
120 x 240$24$12
120 x 600$36$18

The Carnegie Pulse places advertisements on article, scheduler, and events pages.

The Carnegie Pulse places a high value on the product it delivers, and therefore does not allow intensely animated advertisements as they will inordinately distract the reader from our content. Advertisements can be linked to another website (so that a user is taken to another site when the advertisement is clicked) but this is not required.

Advertisements will be cycled onto the page with other placed ads. A minimum of 1,200 impressions (times the image is viewed) will occur each week.

The Carnegie Pulse is a very well-read publication, and is the primary source of news and events on campus for many students. Discounted rates for multiple-week orders can be negotiated. The Pulse also offers ad production at $20/hr. File sizes should not exceed 50k. For more information, please e-mail