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16-861 Mobile Robot Design

Cross-listed:18-779 , 18-871
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Mobile Robot Design is a unique course offering in that it allows students to design and build a prototype robot. Prior developments include Skyworker, Dante and lunar rover concepts. The development of a mobile robot requires diverse technical skills and experience. Students will become an integral part of a team of Robotics Institute peers developing a new robot. Through team meetings, guest speakers and system development, students will be exposed to the interrelated effects of electronics, software and mechanisms on the design process. Participants will move a conceptual design from paper to implementation in a fast paced, and multidisciplinary environment. Students will be provided an opportunity to test their ability to apply theoretically sound approaches within the constraints of a real design. Students with interests in artificial intelligence, navigation, path planning, simulation, machine vision, sensor fusion, control, mechanism design and power systems, are encouraged to enroll. Individuals will gain an understanding of the complexities of integrating systems within a robot, and approaches that mitigate the difficulties, in a learn-through-doing environment.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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