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21-235 Mathematical Studies I

Department:Mathematical Sciences
Special permission:Yes
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A unified and intensive presentation of algebra, analysis, and geometry by a team of instructors. For capable and dedicated students who can allot a substantial amount of time to the study of mathematics. Aims at providing a modern background in mathematics for a career in pure or applied mathematics, science, or engineering. Topics covered include analysis in IR, analysis in Euclidean spaces, linear algebra, geometry, algebraic theories, multi-linear algebra, ordinary differential equations. Covers and extends the material in the courses Calculus in Three Dimensions, Advanced Calculus I and II, Algebraic Structures, and Linear Algebra I. Normally taken by students in the third semester. Participation by invitation. Interested Freshmen should contact the Department in March.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#0
Rank in this department:#0

  Students also scheduled
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15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems
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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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