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60-482 Performance Studio

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(Mini) Performance Studio (Grisha Coleman) This studio will focus on the use of physical techniques and approaches as a means to create, distort and enhance contemporary performance practices. The workshop will introduce students to a variety of ideas and issues of embodiment, examine ways to work collaboratively and across media, as well as discuss responses to and analysis of readings and material in current performance practice/theory. By employing compositional approaches in music and movement such as improvisation, harmony, unison, dissonance and rhythm, the Performance Studio emphasizes heightened kinesthetic awareness as a way to examine personal art making practice and investigate larger issues of cultural production. Students will be expected to create short solo and ensemble work for class, as well as to give presentations on readings and artists in the field. Students working within and outside of an arts major are encouraged to register. Grisha Coleman is a Research Fellow with the Carnegie Mellon STUDIO for Creative Inquiry.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1327
Rank in this department:#32

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A4 6:30 - 9:20 pm M Instructor TBA CFA 4TH Add course to my schedule
W Instructor TBA CFA 4TH

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