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82-344 US Latinos: Language and Culture

Department:Modern Languages
Prerequisites:82-242 or 82-244
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This course is part of the post-intermediate, 300-level program that forms the introduction to the major or minor in Spanish. Students may begin with any one of the three or they may be taken concurrently. A course that would analyze the history of the Hispanic presence in what is today known as the United States, since the period of the Spanish exploration and colonization of North America to the present. We will be examining the writing of native, immigrant and exile Hispanics in the context of the geographical, political and societal borders that exist between U.S. mainstream society (black and white) and other sectors of society. Prerequisite: Completion of the intermediate level or equivalent.

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  Students also scheduled
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85-221 Principles of Child Development
88-220 Policy Analysis I
82-171 Elementary Japanese I
70-100 Introduction to Business
99-102 Computing Skills Workshop

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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