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85-370 Perception

Special permission:Yes
Prerequisites:85-102 or 85-211 or 85-213 or 85-219
Cross-listed:05-814 , 85-770
Notes:Permission of Instructor. Attendance is required. Email: klatzky@cmu.ed. for permission. .
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Perception, broadly defined, is the construction of a representation of the external world for purposes of thinking and acting. Although we often think of perception as the processing of inputs to the sense organs, the world conveyed by the senses is ambiguous, and cognitive and sensory systems interact to interpret it. In this course, we will examine the sensory-level mechanisms involved in perception by various sensory modalities, including vision, audition, and touch. We will learn how sensory coding interacts with top-down processing based on context and prior knowledge and how perception changes with learning and development. We will look at methods of psychophysics, neuroscience, and cognitive psychology. The goals include not only imparting basic knowledge about perception but also providing new insights into everyday experiences.

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  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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