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90-812 Innovation Management and Economic Development

Department:Public Policy & Mng.
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Effective management in any organization usually requires that you, as a manager, supervise or lead your organization through an exercise where a certain basic set of principles are applied to analyze and identify a problem or task, define a clear goal or objective in order to solve the problem or task, and finally, outline a reasonable plan that can be executed to achieve that goal or objective. However, what do you do when that "management template" doe not quite fit? When none of the stakeholders involved necessarily agree that there is a problem to solve to begin with, let alone agree on a desired outcome or plan to achieve that outcome? This course will explore public management at the most senior staff level in the legislative branch of our federal government - focusing on the challenges a congressional Chief of Staff or Staff Director faces on a daily basis simply keeping a large office functioning, let alone orchestrating any type of changes in public policy. The course will explore the inherent tensions, challenges and rewards of managing issues, staff, constituents, the media, lobbyists and your elected official as they all attempt to shape the form of the ever changing "management template".

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1565
Rank in this department:#64

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A3 9:00 - 10:20 am T Yoon HBH 1003 Add course to my schedule
R Yoon HBH 1003

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