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57-924 Mozart Operas

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Mozart's operas may well be the most brilliant achievement of this multi-faceted genius. Both the instrumental and vocal writing in them are sublime; but further, the operas show Mozart to have been, first and foremost, a man of the theater. We begin our investigation with Idomeneo, Die Entf-hrung, the three great DaPonte operas, and Figaro. The Magic Flute is given a thorough investigation, including Mozart's association with the Masons and lastly, we will examine The Coronation of Titus. We will also study and discuss the Dent analyses and the Maynard Solomon biography. This is a one semester, specialized music history and analysis course for graduate students.

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  Students also scheduled
82-121 Elementary German I
57-881 Piano Literature and Repertoire I
57-701 Studio Major (Piano)
57-100 Convocation
85-211 Cognitive Psychology
57-011 Piano Seminar
57-608 Observation
57-501 Major Studio (Piano)
57-417 Major Choral Ensemble
57-393 Keyboard Studies Test (Music Ed)

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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