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90-770 Applied Econometrics I

Department:Public Policy & Mng.
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Prerequisites: Students should be familiar with basic calculus, some matrix algebra, classical statistical theory, and have some background in microeconomic analysis. Mathematical and economic tools will be reviewed briefly as they are used. The tasks of the applied econometrician are to employ observations or data (generally historical, but sometimes experimental) to : (1) test predictions of various social science theories, and (2) quantify the effects predicted from these theories. Applied econometrics involves application of economic and statistical theory to interpret data generated by economic systems. The primary objectives of this course are to help the students become /discriminating consumers and producers of econometric studies. This requires consideration of formal statistical models, but considerable attention is also devoted to implications for interpreting empirical studies. Due to the nature of economic theorizing, the most common framework for empirical studies is the multiple (linear) regression model. Topics to be covered in this course are: (1) the standard linear model, (2) heteroskedasticity, (3) multicollinearity, (4) serial correlation, and (5) errors in variables. Students will be required to write a short paper. The paper will involve a critique (in plain English) of a policy-relevant econometric study. All computer work can be done with standard packages such as STATA and RATS.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#509
Rank in this department:#11

  Students also scheduled
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20-863 Mobil Ecommerce

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:30 - 4:50 pm M Stephens HBH 1002 Add course to my schedule
W Stephens HBH 1002
F Stephens HBH 1004

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