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21-350 History of Mathematics

Department:Mathematical Sciences
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Mathematics has a long and interesting history, and there is much insight into both mathematics and history to be gained from its study. The emphasis here will be on learning the mathematics with the added value of appreciating it in historical context. Selected topics may range from early number systems, the development of geometry, the emergence of the ideas of analysis, through to the origins of modern set theory. 3 hrs. lec.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#363
Rank in this department:#29

  Students also scheduled
18-721 Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits...
18-413 Introduction to Computer-Aided Inst...
15-212 Principles of Programming
21-229 Set Theory
62-218 Sparta, Greece: Inquiry and Vision
15-113 Systems Skills in C
88-120 Reason, Passion and Cognition
18-303 Engineering Electromagnetics
79-204 20th Century America
70-122 Introduction to Accounting

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:30 - 10:20 am M Schaffer DH 1217 Add course to my schedule
W Schaffer DH 1217
F Schaffer DH 1217

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