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57-418 Major Instrumental Ensemble

Co-requisites:57-501 , 57-502 , 57-503 , 57-505 , 57-506 , 57-507 , 57-508 , 57-509 , 57-510 , 57-511 , 57-512 , 57-513 , 57-514 , 57-516 , 57-517 , 57-519 , 57-520 , 57-521 , 57-522
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There are two instrumental ensembles: Orchestra and Wind Ensemble. Rotating seating plans, within and between ensembles, will prevail at the discretion of the Director of Orchestral Studies and the Director of the Wind Ensemble. The instrumental faculty will be consulted. All music majors who are required to enroll in an instrumental ensemble must audition for placement and enroll in Major Instrumental Ensemble. Audition required.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#452
Rank in this department:#16

  Students also scheduled
57-162 Eurhythmics II
57-100 Convocation
57-156 Advanced Harmony II
57-153 Harmony II
57-182 Solfege II
57-203 Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque ...
57-507 Major Studio (Cello)
33-340 Modern Physics Laboratory
57-106 Elective Studio (Jazz Piano I)
33-446 Advanced Quantum Physics II

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:00 - 6:00 pm M Colwell, Izquierdo CFA ACH Add course to my schedule
T Colwell, Izquierdo CFA ACH
W Colwell, Izquierdo CFA ACH
R Colwell, Izquierdo CFA ACH
F Colwell, Izquierdo CFA ACH

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