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51-231 Calligraphy I

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Working with pure unadorned Roman letterforms, this course will introduce the student to the theory and practice of hand-generated letters, employing a variety of mark-making tools. This course provides an in-depth understanding of the basic principles and techniques of the art of formal writing. Rhythm, texture and composition are achieved through routine, elementary exercises using geometric forms, demanding concentration and manual discipline with the development of hand-eye coordination. The function, use, and harmonious sequencing of letterforms will be taught through weekly projects. Awareness of rhythm, texture and letterform structure are achieved through routine exercises. Drills, demonstrations, discussions, individual and class critiques are on-going. Additional related topics and activities introduced in class include Books: binding and design. Brief introduction to the historical development of our Western alphabet through film, slides, demonstrations, with discussion of twentieth-century type designs. Letter vocabulary, paleography, monoprints, words and punctuation. Classical page design. Publications past and present. Calligraphy?s role in design today. Thinking with hands and eyes, the manual placement and spacing of letters practiced in this course awakens sensitivity and judgment in the designer.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#353
Rank in this department:#12

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 6:30 - 9:20 pm W Rosen MM 227 Add course to my schedule

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