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54-328 Stage Combat

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A brief chronological introduction to the periods of music theatre from the late 19th century to the present day. Students have the opportunity to study composers, lyricists, and selected performers from each decade. The class will use a combination of lectures, recordings, and videotapes to appreciate the style of each period.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1428
Rank in this department:#160

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
B3 9:00 - 10:50 am M Instructor TBA PCA 313 Add course to my schedule
W Instructor TBA PCA 313
1:00 - 2:50 pm F Instructor TBA TBA
C3 9:00 - 10:50 am M Instructor TBA PCA 313 Add course to my schedule
W Instructor TBA PCA 313
1:00 - 2:50 pm F Instructor TBA TBA

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