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91-810 Leadership: Innovation & Organizational Change

Department:Public Management
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This course seeks to develop the students' understanding of the range and complexity of behavior required in leaders, in both public or private sector settings. Using a combination of theoretical readings, case studies and focused writing and reflection on personal experience, we will attempt to sharpen our awareness of our own potential as leaders and to improve our leadership performance. We will focus our collective efforts on the following objectives: 1. Developing and exercising theoretical models of leadership and change in public and private institutions; 2. Understanding the role of the leader in defining and communicating a vision for the institution, and developing some generalized rules and "best practices" for constructing the vision; 3. Examining the impact of leadership and various types of power in shaping the normative environment of public and private institutions; 4. Exploring the challenges and opportunities associated with leadership transitions, and gaining practice with tools designed to facilitate this transitions; 5. Understanding the differences between direct and indirect leadership, and examining the challenges faced by successful junior leaders making the transition to senior leadership roles; and, 6. Studying the unique problems faced by leaders attempting major institutional change, and building a set of guidelines to improve the effectiveness of leaders in these situations.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#747
Rank in this department:#2

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 5:30 - 8:20 pm M Kurke HBH 1002 Add course to my schedule

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