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54-842 Graduate Costume Design II

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Costume Design II is a two-semester investigation in the processes, challenges and techniques for the development of visual character within the context of theatrical production. The fall semester of Costume Design II focuses on an exploring "pragmatic solutions" (from time to time, discussions will broaden to include the media of film and video) in design development. Disciplines of collaboration, conceptualization and communication as the fundamentals of successful professional development are explored, discussed and evaluated within the context of class projects and departmental production assignments. Projects will emphasize problem-solving goals in text anlaysis, rearch, the selection of period detail and project organization, as well as graphic skills development and refinement.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1463
Rank in this department:#149

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 2:00 - 3:50 pm T Tsu PCA 305 Add course to my schedule
R Tsu PCA 305

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