This course, which includes demonstrations and "hands-on" activities, is designed to engage non-majors in the fascination of chemistry. It is not essential that a student has completed 09-103 in order to take this course. The lecture part of this course will include wide ranging science topics designed to put the world of chemistry in perspective. After achieving a competency in fundamentals we proceed to systematically survey the important topics of synthesis, structure and mechanism in organic chemistry. With these insights we finally confront the important biological molecules including DNA. While it is useful to have occasional "pop quizzes" the course will not include formal exams. assessment will be largely based upon attendance, "pop quizzes" ,papers and slide sets. The paper/slide part of the course requires each student to successfully pursue independent investigations of the literature. Each of the required three papers will include a 15 minute slide or overhead presentation. The papers and slide sets, will be submitted in both hard copy and electronic attachment form. Initially a preliminary presentation will announce the individual choice of topics. Deadlines for submission of papers/slides will be given at the first meeting. 3 hrs lec.,1 hr rec.