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27-201 Perfect Crystals

Department:Materials Science and Eng.
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This course covers the fundamentals of crystallography and diffraction. Topics covered include: the periodic table of the elements, bonding in different classes of materials, Bravais lattices, unit cells, directions and planes, crystal geometry computations, direct and reciprocal space, symmetry operations, point and space groups, nature of x-rays, scattering in periodic solids, Bragg?s law, the structure factor, and the interpretation of experimental diffraction patterns. 24 crystal structure types of importance to various branches of materials science and engineering will be introduced. Co-requisites: Corequisite: 27-100, Pre-requisite: 21-122

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  Students also scheduled
27-215 Thermodynamics of Materials
27-202 Defects in Materials
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82-171 Elementary Japanese I
21-259 Calculus in Three Dimensions
33-225 Quantum Physics and Structure of Ma...
21-126 Introduction to Mathematical Softwa...
03-121 Modern Biology
80-100 What Philosophy Is

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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