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57-101 Introduction to Music Technology

Notes:This course requires that the student have a general understanding of th. fundamentals of music. Music majors only can register now for this course. Music technology minors and others should register now for a space on th. waitlist. As space becomes
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This course gives an overview of music technology through practical information and several hands-on projects. Concepts such as MIDI and digital audio are introduced and specific topics are covered in detail including sequencing, music notation, digital recording, mixing, and production. Throughout the course, students are required to complete several projects and create musical compositions in styles of their own choosing. The student is not graded on the "musicality" of these compositions, but instead on how well they meet the stated project goals by correctly using specific equipment and/or computer programs.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#148
Rank in this department:#1

  Students also scheduled
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21-123 Calculus of Approximation

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A3 11:30 am - 12:20 pm M Bajura MM 119A Add course to my schedule
W Bajura MM 119A
F Bajura MM 119A
A4 11:30 am - 12:20 pm M Bajura MM 119A Add course to my schedule
W Bajura MM 119A
F Bajura MM 119A
B3 12:30 - 1:20 pm M Bajura MM 119A Add course to my schedule
W Bajura MM 119A
F Bajura MM 119A
B4 12:30 - 1:20 pm M Bajura MM 119A Add course to my schedule
W Bajura MM 119A
F Bajura MM 119A

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