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15-685 Computer Vision

Department:Computer Science
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This course deals with the science and engineering of computer vision, that is, the analysis of patterns in visual images of the world with the goal of reconstructing and understanding the objects and processes in the world that are producing them. The emphasis is on physical, mathematical, and information processing aspects of vision, but biological and psychological perspectives will also be considered. Topics covered include image formation and representation, multi-scale analysis, segmentation, contour and region analysis, reconstruction of depth based on stereo, texture shading and motion, and analysis and recognition of objects and scenes using statistical and model-based techniques.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1671
Rank in this department:#51

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:00 - 4:20 pm T Lee WEH 5403 Add course to my schedule
R Lee WEH 5403

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