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76-465 Advanced Poetry Workshop

Prerequisites:76-265 and 76-365
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CW: Required Workshop. EBA & PW: English Elective. Prerequisites: A student must have received an A or B in 76-265, Survey of Forms: Poetry. Additionally, he or she must have completed a beginning Poetry Workshop, 76-365. This workshop will focus primarily on the work of class members, with emphasis being on the revision process. In addition, we will read books by a number of visiting poets and discuss their work. The course will be graded on improvement, so the poet must be open to the reality that a writers development is never complete. Also, it should be tacitly understood that students in this course are to be in active pursuit of having their poems published in respectable journals.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#797
Rank in this department:#50

  Students also scheduled
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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 11:30 am - 12:50 pm M Daniels BH 235B Add course to my schedule
W Daniels BH 235B

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