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33-338 Intermediate Electricity and Magnetism I

Prerequisites:21-259 and 33-232
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This course includes the basic concepts of electro- and magnetostatics. In electrostatics, topics include the electric field and potential for typical configurations, work and energy considerations, the method of images and solutions of Laplace's Equation, multipole expansions, and electrostatics in the presence of matter. In magnetostatics, the magnetic field and vector potential, magnetostatics in the presence of matter, properties of dia-, para- and ferromagnetic materials are developed.

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  Students also scheduled
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33-301 Undergraduate Colloquium III
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36-309 Experimental Design for Behavioral ...
33-332 Physical Mechanics II
15-211 Fundamental Data Structures and Alg...
09-217 Organic Chemistry I

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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