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76-271 Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing

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PW + TW: Required Core Course EBA + CW: English Elective Non-majors: Please see listing for 76-270, a closely related course designed for and open to non-majors. Introduction to Professional and Technical Writing is designed specifically for declared majors in Professional or Technical Writing. The main work of the course is a series of six situation-based writing assignments spread over three broad and often overlapping areas business/professional writing, media writing, and technical writing. Typical assignments include resumes, correspondence, reviews and evaluations, news coverage, feature articles, consumer/user instructions, proposals, and adaptations of specialized information for non-expert audiences. At least one of the assignments will be a group project. As a final project, youll create a portfolio of polished writing samples that you can use in applying for internships and employment. The range of assignments in the course is designed to give you experience with a variety of writing situations that professional writers frequently encounter. The assignments also reflect options for specialization that you may wish to pursue in future coursework and in your career as a professional writer. As you work through the assignments, you should learn both current conventions for the kinds of writing youll be doing and a broadly applicable procedure for analyzing novel situations and adapting conventional forms (and creating new ones) to meet the unique demands of each new situation and task.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#229
Rank in this department:#16

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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:00 - 10:20 am M Werner OSC 202 Add course to my schedule
W Werner OSC 202

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