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76-783 Multimedia Authoring II

Special permission:Yes
Prerequisites:15-111 or 15-112 or 15-125 or 15-127
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Multimedia authoring involves the combination of graphics, sound, text and movies to create products such as sales presentations, kiosks, software prototypes, games, CD-ROMs, and computer-based training materials. You will be using Macromedia Director, the most often used program today for multimedia development and authoring. But producing interactive applications in Macromedia Director often involves much more than we bargained for. Beginning developers are continually asking themselves a variety of questions: Is there an easier way? Is there a more efficient way? How do I handle user interaction, decision-making, and web-interaction issues? And how do I design an interface that works for the user? In this course, we'll also learn about Director's Lingo scripting language in-depth, and use it to control the content, flow and interactivity of a presentation (or movie). By the end of this class, you will have a thorough grounding of the basics of animation, Lingo scripting and multimedia authoring, and you will work on several smaller projects in preparation for a final class project, due at the end of the semester. This is a course demanding a lot of self-directed study; students will be encouraged to work diligently on their final project throughout most of the term.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1340
Rank in this department:#78

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 6:30 - 9:20 pm W Rasmussen TBA Add course to my schedule

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