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18-715 Physics of Applied Magnetism

Department:Electrical & Comp. Eng.
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In this course we address the physics of magnetism of solids with emphasis on magnetic material properties and phenomena which are useful in various applications. The content of this course includes the origins of magnetism at the atomic level and the origins of magnetic ordering (ferro-, ferri-, and antiferromagnetism), magnetic anisotropy, magnetic domains, domain wall, spin dynamics, and transport at the crystalline level. The principles of magnetic crystal symmetry are utilized to explore the various domains in ferromagnetic crystals, and tensors are used in the description of such magnetic properties as magnetocrystalline anisotropy, susceptibility and magnetostriction. To a limited extent, the applications of magnetism are discussed in order to motivate the understanding of the physical properties and phenomena. Prerequisites: 1) 18-303 or equivalent background in electromagnetic fields, 2) Senior level solid state physics, electronic materials, or the equivalent.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1205
Rank in this department:#47

  Students also scheduled
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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 9:30 - 11:20 am T Zhu PH A19C Add course to my schedule
R Zhu PH A19C

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