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88-222 Policy Analysis III

Department:Social & Decision Sci.
Special permission:Yes
Cross-listed:19-451 , 90-720
Notes:ALL seats are reserved for SDS graduating seniors. Students must register for . ection A. .
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Students in this course apply the research and analytical methods learned in their other courses to a real-world problem. Students decide how to structure the problem, divide into teams responsible for its different parts, identify and analyze relevant literature, collect data, synthesize their results, and present their conclusions in oral and written form to a review panel of individuals concerned with the problem. Faculty members help them along the way. Performance is based on students' contribution to the process and substance of the class, as observed by the faculty and by their fellow students. One or two such projects is offered every term. A complete list of previous topics is available from the department.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#458
Rank in this department:#9

  Students also scheduled
82-416 Topics in French and Francophone St...
80-241 Ethical Judgments in Professional L...
79-207 Development of European Culture
79-207 Development of European Culture
85-421 Language and Thought
90-717 Professional Writing
90-728 ITPPM: Database Management Systems
90-732 ITPPM: Website Design and Developme...
82-580 Senior Seminar in Modern Languages
88-398 Independent Study

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:00 - 4:50 pm T Gerard, Fischbeck, Matthews PH 125C Add course to my schedule
R Gerard, Fischbeck, Matthews PH 125C
B 3:00 - 4:50 pm T Instructor TBA SH 212 Add course to my schedule
R Instructor TBA SH 212

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