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51-383 Conceptual Models

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Conceptual Models and Design Implications The challenge in human-centered design is not in conducting appropriate research, but in making the leap from research findings to design implications. Creating a model is often an important step toward creating consensus or a driving concept when working with multidisciplinary development teams. In this mini we will focus on one of the most challenging aspects of the design process. We will quickly develop a hunt statement, conduct discovery stage immersive research and use our findings to develop conceptual models and design implications. This course is open to upper level students in Design, HCI, BHA, engineering and graduate business students.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#175
Rank in this department:#2

  Students also scheduled
05-600 HCI Pro Seminar
05-601 HCI Seminar
05-413 Human Factors
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05-610 Introduction to Human-Computer Inte...
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05-631 Software Architecture for User Inte...
51-243 Prototyping
05-832 Cognitive Modeling and Intelligent ...
51-701 Graduate Design Seminar I

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A3 12:00 - 1:20 pm M Evenson MM 227 Add course to my schedule
W Evenson MM 227

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