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91-804 Financial Analysis for Managers

Department:Public Management
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Required Course for MPM students. 91-805 Accounting Foundations or equivalent is recommended but not required. Ability to use PC. This course is designed to meet several objectives. First, Financial Analysis for Managers provides an overview of financial reporting for both the private and public sector. The private sector accounting statements are prepared based on accounting standards promulgated by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Public sector entities also prepare financial reports using the private sector format. However, in addition to these statements, they publish financial data that is decomposed into fund accounts. The differences between the two forms of financial reporting include 1) the method of recording transactions (accrual, modified accrual or cash basis) 2) the management of fixed assets on the financial statements (directly written off or capitalized and then depreciated) and 3) the use of various fund accounts by the nonprofit organization. There is a need to grasp the concepts that underlie both types of financial reports because they affect the interpretation of the performance of the entity. This course also provides students with the tools to interpret an organization's financial data. For the private sector, this information is fairly standardized. However, the interpretation of the financial data for a public sector concern is more complicated. Like the private sector, the analyst evaluates the standard financial characteristics such as liquidity and debt coverage. Additionally, the analysis must provide information regarding the performance of the specific programs of the organization. Users of the financial data for hospitals, for example, need to know if the transplant unit is operating efficiently and effectively. A third and final objective of the course is to introduce the techniques used to prepare an operat

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1218
Rank in this department:#16

  Students also scheduled
91-843 Power and Influence
91-801 Data Analysis for Managers
90-715 Gender and Pay Inequality
91-821 Project Management

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 5:30 - 8:20 pm T Bartolacci HBH 1002 Add course to my schedule
11:30 am - 12:50 pm S Bartolacci HBH 1001

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