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51-202 Intermediate Typography

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The theme of this course is the integration of type and image. The primary goal of the projects is how to achieve a harmonious and effective interplay of typography and imagery to express meaning. Through a confident use of grids, color, images, type, and visual hierarchy, students will explore a variety of solutions to design problems that require both expressiveness as well as an understanding of the practical uses of communication design. With an emphasis on formal and semantic issues, assignments will demonstrate how typography, photography, and other forms of image making may be combined to shape the form and content of communication.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#373
Rank in this department:#13

  Students also scheduled
51-222 Color and Communication
51-221 Darkroom I
51-274 Design and Social Change
51-225 Darkroom II
51-422 Visual Interface
05-430 Programming Usable Interfaces
48-095 Architecture for Non-Majors I
98-012 Student Taught Courses (StuCo): Fun...
98-037 Student Taught Courses (StuCo): Int...
05-650 Interface and Interaction Design

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 8:30 - 11:20 am T Boyarski MM 115 Add course to my schedule
R Boyarski MM 115

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