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60-418 ETB Studio: The Interactive Image

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Introduction to Interactive Graphics (Golan Levin) This course is an introduction to the use of interactive graphics as an expressive visual tool. It is a "studio art course in computer science," in which the objective is art and design, but the medium is software. Absolutely no previous programming experience is necessary. Rigorous exercises in Flash and Java will develop the basic vocabulary of constructs that govern static, dynamic, and interactive form. Topics include the computational manipulation of: point, line and shape; texture, value and color; time, change and motion; reactivity, connectivity and feedback. Students will become familiar with basic software algorithms, computational geometry, digital signal filtering, kinematic simulation, and the application of these techniques to aesthetic issues in interaction design.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#704
Rank in this department:#13

  Students also scheduled
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  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 8:30 - 11:20 am T Levin CFA 317 Add course to my schedule
R Levin CFA 317

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