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80-820 Categorical Logic Seminar

Prerequisites:80-413 and 80-713
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This course focuses on applications of category theory in logic and computer science. A leading idea is functorial semantics, according to which a model of a logical theory is a set-valued functor on a category determined by the theory. This gives rise to a syntax-invariant notion of a theory and introduces many algebraic methods into logic, leading naturally to the universal and other general models that distinguish functorial from classical semantics. Such categorical models occur, for example, in denotational semantics. e.g. treating the lambda-calculus via the theory of Cartesian closed categories. Similarly, higher-order logic is treated categorically by the theory of topoi.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#1639
Rank in this department:#47

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
A 3:30 - 5:50 pm F Awodey BH 235A Add course to my schedule

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