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79-351 The Cold War in Documents and Film

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This course is based on use of historical documents and films to study problems which reshaped the world during and after the Cold War. We will examine how documentary and feature films depicted the most important events of the Cold War, such as the Korean War, the construction of the Berlin Wall, the Cuban missile crisis, and others. In addition to films, sources will include documents, lectures and readings. .

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  Students also scheduled
15-451 Algorithm Design and Analysis
79-410 History and Policy Project Course
79-272 Modern Japan 1868 to Present
95-712 Object Oriented Programming in JAVA
95-705 Telecommunications Management
21-241 Matrix Algebra
32-401 Naval Ships Systems II
32-400 Naval Laboratory
18-315 Optical Communication Systems
18-741 Advanced Computer Architecture

  Spring 2005 times

No sections available for semester Spring 2005.

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