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33-228 Electronics I

Prerequisites:33-107 or 33-112 or 33-132
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An introductory laboratory and lecture course with emphasis on elementary circuit analysis, design, and testing. We start by introducing basic circuit elements and study the responses of combinations to DC and AC excitations. We then take up transistors and learn about biasing and the behavior of amplifier circuits. The many uses of operational amplifiers are examined and analyzed; general features of feedback systems are introduced in this context. Complex functions are used to analyze all of the above linear systems. Finally, we examine and build some simple digital integrated circuits.

  Popularity index
Rank for this semester:#124
Rank in this department:#10

  Students also scheduled
33-202 Undergraduate Colloquium II
33-232 Mathematical Methods of Physics
33-234 Quantum Physics
03-121 Modern Biology
79-104 Introduction to World History
21-341 Linear Algebra
15-213 Introduction to Computer Systems
36-217 Probability Theory and Random Proce...
73-100 Principles of Economics
82-343 Latin America: Language and Culture

  Spring 2005 times

Sec Time Day Instructor Location  
1 9:30 - 10:20 am T Briere, Meyer DH 1212 Add course to my schedule
A 1:30 - 4:20 pm M Instructor TBA DH A324 Add course to my schedule
W Instructor TBA DH A324
B 1:30 - 4:20 pm T Instructor TBA DH A324 Add course to my schedule
R Instructor TBA DH A324

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